• (787)-922-1771
  • info@coquicharities.org
  • Mon-Fri: 9:00am-4:00pm


Coqui Charities is dedicated to revitalizing the vibrant
culture of Puerto Rico

Our Projects


Puerto Rico flag

Who We are

The mission of Coqui Charities is simple – to promote the social, economic and cultural welfare of Puerto Rico. We are a group of people who recognize that Puerto Rico is a special place, as unique as a coqui, and full of talented and vibrant people. The passage of the hurricane has been a very hard, collective time for our island and our goal is to help restore Puerto Rico and bring it back to its best. Coqui Charities brings to life a whole-hearted idea – the idea that together we can be the catalyst to bring Puerto Rico back to its splendor.





  • The mission of Coqui Charities is to promote the social, economic and cultural welfare of Puerto Rico.


Coqui Charities brings to life the idea that together we can be a catalyst to bring Puerto Rico back to its splendor.



Coqui Charities is dedicated to revitalizing the vibrant culture of Puerto Rico.

Recent News

 “Borinquen Brass” and professional singer, Doris Muñoz.

Among all the projects of Coquí Charities that stand out for uplifting Puerto Rico’s welfare and high-spirited culture, we are delighted to introduce the live entertainment concert, as a yearly activity aimed to bring joy. We consider this to be a Holiday present to the community. A concert free of cost, featuring prestigious brass group “Borinquen Brass” and professional singer, Doris Muñoz.

Una misión para conservar el arte y cultura en Puerto Rico

We invite you to read this article by 90 Grados  about the origins of Coquí Charities  and its current mission of preserving art and culture in Puerto Rico.
Te invitamos a que leas el este artículo que nos hicieron la revista digital 90 grados sobre los orígenes de Coquí y su actual misión de conservar el arte y cultura en Puerto Rico.
Si deseas hacer un donación haz click al enlace www.coquicharities.org

Did you know that street art is one of the most practiced art forms?

The source of the street artist’s relevance does not lie solely in how they embellish their respective communities, but also in how they convey their socio-political worries through their art.